Dates: June 21st-25th
Times: 8 to 5 or 8 to 12
Ages: 3-12
Location: Lafayette County Arena
A fun week of art and craft projects meant to celebrate summer in all its glory. We will talk about horses and do art inspired by horses all at the new Lafayette County Arena. Students are split up into groups by age for projects and most activities. Full day children need to pack a lunch.
Prices: YAC Members $100/$170 half day/full day
Non-members $115/$185 half day/full day
Online registration ends at 1 pm on the Sunday before camp starts on Monday to allow for supply prep and to ensure appropriate staffing.
The Lafayette County Arena is located at 70 F.D. Buddy East Parkway (70 County Road 406). This road connects Hwy 6 to Hwy 334 by the Lafayette County Schools. The class will be held in the large classroom. Enter through the MS State Extension Services Entrance (glass doors on the left).
Classes and programs offered by the Arts Council may be adjusted to be responsive to evolving City of Oxford, Lafayette County and Health Department guidelines.